What we can do

We provide

As a bunch of good online gardeners, we are able to source additional forestry workers.

Check out our forest contacts below.

ikona větve


With SEO specialists, your brand awareness will reach the size of a rainforest.

Each of our projects has basic SEO that you can work with. Or we can take it to the next level with long-term maintenance.

ikona větve


Copywriters spread the word and let your brand story grow.

With each thoughtful sentence, they create engaging content that inspires action. You can easily leave the copywriting to us.

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The work of our photographer bears fruit in the form of photographs that capture your attention and sell your idea.

We can shoot product photos as well as portraits of the entire company’s employees. You can then use the photos both on the web and on Instagram.

ikona větve


A PPC specialist will arrange a professionally grafted advertisement.

We will think through the budget, design the ideal campaign and then follow up regularly until everything has been carefully evaluated. We like Google Ads or List Sklik.

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Propagace která sklízí pravidelný úspěch.

Marketing necháváme zkušenějším #HolkyzMarketingu s kterými vás rádi propojíme. Rády vás naučí jak správně vytvořit newsletter v Mailchimpu, napsat poutavý post na sociální sítě nebo vypěstovat úžasnou komunitu.

ikona větve


Regular harvest control will ensure better quality growth.

For each project we set up a standard Tag Manager but we can also provide advanced measurements. We track how the forest grows under your hands in Google Analytics but also with tools like Microsoft Clarity or Hotjar.